It Takes a Village to Write colleen orchanian writing

If I am serious about my writing, I want it to be the best it can be. That happens when I enlist the help and talents of others. Many books have a page of acknowledgements recognizing those who have had a part in the final published work. It’s a village of people. Here are some of those in...

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On Writing katie curtis writing

Writing Tips + My 12 Favorite Books On Writing

I recently gave a talk to a group of Catholic writers, and this post is a recap of some of the main points of that talk along with the writing books I would recommend to anyone looking to strengthen their craft of writing. As someone...

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Making Progress in Your Writing colleen orchanian writing

I am in a writing group with three of my sisters. Each Friday we send an update to the group about what we have accomplished and ask for feedback on any writing we have done.  The other day I was feeling that I had not made much progress in my writing. I didn’t feel productive. ...

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3 Reasons to Start a Blog blogging kate eschbach writing

In 2008, I started my first blog. It was a simple place to document my days and share pictures of my children. Whenever I finished a post, I would let my family know that an update was available. It was a way that I could share our move to Arizona without clogging up their email with...

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Writing and Sharing My Story claire dwyer holiness writing

Many of us can feel a little squirmy about writing about ourselves; after all, aren’t we supposed to be humble?  Hidden?  And allow the Lord to have the stage?

There are seasons of anonymity for sure; seasons to bury ourselves in Christ and let Him do some deep work.  Being...

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On Creative Work: Resistance and Retaliation claire dwyer writing

I glance at the computer and hesitate.  The cursor is blinking at me, waiting and wordless.

A few minutes later, rather than writing, I find myself sorting socks or organizing a drawer. The refrigerator is being cleaned out and the shelves straightened. 

Time—which I do...

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Introducing the PraiseWriters Community

PraiseWriters is a membership community of writers who seek support, inspiration, and formation in both the craft of writing and the business of publishing and marketing. 


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